Wednesday, 23 April 2008

St George's Day

As well as being St George's Day, the 23rd of April is also the birthday ( and death day of Shakespeare). It is also the birthday of an important family member but we will be celebrating with a BBQ at the weekend!

St George - the patron saint of England is usually depicted as a dragon slaying, maiden saving knight so I thought that I would try to find out a bit more about him. There is a whole host of information on the Woodlands Junior School in Kent not just about St George but other saints and customs.

For instance, I didn't know that St George was not English, but apparently he was Turkish and although he was Christian he became a Roman Soldier. He was beheaded on 23rd April because he would not give up his faith. He lived in the 3rd century but did not become England's Patron saint until the 14th century when he replaced Edward the Confessor. He is also the patron of many groups including soldiers and scouts, farmers and riders to name a few. He also helps those who are suffering with plague, syphilis and leprosy!

I always wonder how they find out these amazing things - can they be called facts?
For more snippets visit the above link. They would also like postcards from where you live to help them find out about other areas. I think this is a great idea and so will be popping one in the post this weekend.

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