Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Pumpkin Day, a Visitor and a surprise in the post

Things have moved on in the garden with Sunday being the day chosen to harvest Audrey the pumpkin. The plot now looks quite bare without such a large plant dominating it, but I have taken the opportunity to pot up some strawberry runners for next year. When they are larger and more established I will lift the older plants and keep them for next year too. Part of my planned 3 year rotation.

Luckily I was in a potting mood as I received a surprise in the post of a tray of plug plants. I'm guessing primulas - maybe winter bedding of some sort, not being a fully fledged gardener will have to do more research. However I have potted them up and now I am left wondering where to put so many in my small garden. I am looking forward to the greenhouse and have been wandering round thinking which plants to take cuttings from. The geraniums have done very well this year and if I can get some cuttings going I am hoping to be able to swap with my neighbours for other colours and varieties.

When we replaced the fence in preparation for the greenhouse I had to dig up a mature clematis. I have given it a bit of TLC and it has started to shoot again. When the root ball has re-established I will find it another home in the garden.

The caster oil plant has benefitted from repotting and moving to a more shelterd location, although it is a very shady area it is looking really healthy. Autumn is definately just round the corner as the sedum is starting to change colour and the kafir lilies have bloomed. Usually they are eaten by the snails as soon as they start to shoot. The snails in my garden are huge and think that it is just one large party platter laid out especially for them.

The winter crop of potatoes has made a flying start and I am looking forward to having our own potatoes at Christmas. At the moment we are just about keeping up with the shoots.

Finally the pond is looking very overgrown, so that is definately something we will have to tackle in the next couple of weeks. However the wildlife enjoy it and can't help popping in for a quick chat with Cyrano and friend.

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